Friday, October 16, 2015

Teddy Is a Bear, Just Not a Teddy Bear

I like to think of myself as a warrior, a real man's man. Often times I like to imagine that I'm a predator, the king of the forests, a lot like a bear, dangerous. I remember when me and the guys were goin' up to see that dead body last summer. We followed the train tracks cause that's where we heard the poor guy was killed. Somewhere along the way, I heard a train coming real fast. All the guys jumped off real fast cause they're a bunch pussies, but I stayed. Staring the train down, I wanted to dodge it, prove I was capable. Cause how badass would it be if you could brag about dodging a train in the woods? Pretty badass, if you ask me. Chris called me crazy and tried to push me out of the way, that asshole, but I knew I could do it, so I say it counts. If he'd let me stay, I'd still have made it, I'm sure I woulda. So anyway, as you can see, I'm real brave. Plus my dad was in the war, he even fought on the beach in Normandy! I guess you could say being awesome runs in my genes.

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